Today's Date: 02/12/2025
There are certain mandatory documents that you must possess in order to work as a security officer for Desert Eagle Security. These documents may include a Birth Certificate, Passport, Social Security Card, or Driver’s License.
If applying to work in Arizona, Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S) requires that you be sponsored by a licensed agency such as Desert Eagle Security. The law requires that your photograph and fingerprints be submitted to AZ Department of Public Safety for an FBI background investigation. Your signed Security Guard application, photograph, training certificate, and fingerprints must be submitted to the Arizona Department of Public Safety with a $72.00 money order. You must not have been convicted of any felony or any crime involving arson, fraud, physical or domestic violence, theft, narcotics, illegal sexual contact, or the illegal use or misconduct involving a deadly weapon; whether or not your conviction was set aside and your rights restored. You may not be on probation, parole or community supervision for any crime; nor have outstanding warrants or be under indictment for a felony.
You may not begin work until the license has been issued. They will approve or disapprove your license based on their investigation of criminal records, and if denied, they will not issue a refund of your application fee.
I am aware that any falsification or misrepresentation of information appearing on my application for employment shall be grounds for my not being hired or for my being terminated. Nothing in this application or granting of any interview creates a contract of employment. I understand that failure to submit to pre-employment or random drug screen testing when requested may lead to termination of consideration for employment without liability.
I consent to the release of all information about my ability and fitness for the position I have applied for by employers, schools, law enforcement agencies, and other individuals and organizations including credit agencies to investigators, personnel staffing specialists, and other authorized employers of this company.
As part of its employment screening and selection procedures
Desert Eagle Security (DES), requires a background investigation and a check of references. Such investigation and checks may require the submission of information about the applicant’s social security number (SSN), date of birth (DOB) and driver’s license number (DL#).
I hereby give the DES permission and authority to conduct a background investigation and reference checks concerning my past and current activities. I agree and consent to any investigation that may make including, but not limited to information as to my personal character, general reputation, former employment, education, credit history, driving record, social security wage information, criminal history and other information contained in public records or obtainable from former employers or other references, business or personal.
I understand and agree that DES maintains a drug-free workplace, that maintenance of same is essentially the safety of the workplace and employees, and that I may be required to undergo drug and/or alcohol screening and testing. I also understand and agree that I may be subject to such testing during the course of my employment, and I specifically agree not to oppose in any fashion such post-hire testing. I understand that, subject to applicable law, DES shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of any tests results. I also acknowledge that I have been advised that DES is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate against persons who are physically or mentally handicapped, and administers its employment policies in a nondiscriminatory manner.
I hereby authorize and request any former employers, personal references, schools, police and court personnel, credit agencies and any other person to furnish any information concerning my work habits, reasons for termination, criminal history, driving records, credit history or any other relevant information requested by DES.
I hereby release all persons, companies, corporations or individuals from all liability and responsibility that may result from providing the information set out herein.
I am aware that the result of any background investigation performed by DES is not the sole criteria used by the employer in making a decision to hire or not hire any individual, including me. I am also aware that any falsification or misrepresentation of information appearing on my application for employment shall be grounds for my not being hired or for my being terminated.